However PG Music no longer offer demos of their software Band in a Box. They discontinued the free demo version of BIAB back in 2009. It should be noted however that free trial version had limitations. (you could not save anything)
However there are videos on the product pages offered here that can give you a pretty good idea what a BIAB demo would sound like and how it works!
Sorry to all who came here from the PG forum hoping to find a demo version but simply put you are not going to find it....and if you are thinking of looking for a cracked version...then be warned...many people use this gullibility to get you to download nasty little viruses and malware. Not all malware and viruses can be stopped by your antivirus or malware products. New ones usually slip by because they were designed to do just that. Cracked software often causes harm to your computer so be warned!
To see our Band-In-A-Box collection....along with demonstration videos.... click here. We offer the lowest price allowed by PG Music.